Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Why're you screaming Fary?

Surprise! surprise!
Here is the amazingly forgetful Fary!
Been long since i've posted and i've got some good ideas while i've been away, I have been researching about japan cultures and magazines and found something so cool it'll blow your skin off! Here it comes: Deco-den.Frills.Dresses.Ribbons.
Yes here is my new inspiration and it is BIG.
Here is a small history lesson for y'all, Deco-den originated from Hime-den which came from japan. the word Hime means Princess and Den for Denwa means phone, basically means princess phone, it totally the coolest of the cool thing you have ever seen in your undecorated-cell-phoned lives! Here's some pics:

Even though i am a more tomboyish, liker-of-gothic style of dresser i can't help but scream over these goodies, *sigh* :)
Well that's it, one of my shows are on at the moment so i would have to continue some other time!

Ciao! Deco-den loving Fary

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