Sunday, October 3, 2010

That's fate.

In case none of you cool-dudes/dudettes didn't know (Course you didn't), I have no friends :(
Now just before you think I am a wanter of a little pity. I don't. I just felt like it'd be fun to state it to the WORLD. And embarrass myself while doing so.
Anyway, not that laughing at me isn't fun.....but I've got a hell more thousand things to do with the 'hols ending and all. (Don't leave me my pretty always accepting holidays!!!
All my french, latin and italian STUFF is getting to my head ya'know?
And the always mistaking and jumbling of french and italian words for 'reading' it driving me nuts if you get my meaning. It's not that I hate those cute little frenchie and italianie words, it just doesn't like me, is all.
Hopefully my days of a year 9 student won't get anymore worse that it already did. Otherwise I might end up in a loony bin with chains tied round me and my shouting like I lost my head. Which I might have. Who knows.
But shots all out, I'm going for a dive in music.

Imma gonna R.I.P

PS in case you un-cool people (jokes) are reading this, R.I.P means 'Rest in Peace' right? So basically I'm saying I'm going to RELAX.
PPS Take a look at the awesomeness of Mr. Me:


Monday, July 12, 2010

vampires live on the mars

Heyo my weepers!!
Fortunately i have been sorting through my many folders in my computer, and it just so happened that i have a ready-set pic just for this dazzling letter. and Yes. I have yet to take a photo this week, but here is some i dug up:

I've got a few more, but i'm saving them just as a little insurance in case i become too busy for a shot.
well...i've got my cello exam comin up in case you didn't know (of course you didn't)and it is heck of a hell hard let me tell you! scales, majors, arpeggios, sight reading, singing and music, the lot. oh my golly gosh gosh, my brain is fried! and it's not even NEAR the end of the term. Nutsies. man, i wish i was still 5yrs old.
Those were the times where i would RELAX all day long, which unfortunately is IMPOSSIBLE now, i've got NINE subjects, three of which are LANGUAGES (You should know how are they are)!!! For sakes sake! i'd die before the start of next year!! :(
i just did my nails this morning, so far i have only gotten up to a french tip, but more colour is sure to be dumped on later, so no worries!
Perhaps i could post a pic of it when its done...
But...yeah, today is a pretty shortay letter as an apology for forgetting y'all (it was an accident).

as a tied up bundle of laundry.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Chipmunks are cute. not hols'

Deary me i took a hell long break didn't i?
well to make up for it my lovingly awesome peeps, i've redone, redesigned, and rebehubbled my whole random self-centred blog place.
It's not that big a biggie just a new wallpapier...but i like the birdies at the side. Nice touch.
I was a real hurry once i realized i hadn't been posting a-nuthin to this little blogie so i wasn't able to snag any picturoodies to show you how my little non-existent holiday went. In a sucked.
My little bro's friend, who is (may i say) ANNOYING as HELL, went on a sleepover with him (or basically all of us... as it is in our house...).
Boy, did that little 10 yr old ruin the time for me. He was just a constant bug throughout the whole 3 days(I stress on the "3 DAYS" part)!!! NOT KIDDIN.
Mumsie also made me do my homework during the hols' (holiday) just to get ahead.
That my little peepers, is how bad my vac (vacation) was.
Oh, wait, there was one good little cheese piece of the vac that was pretty coolatious... today, the LAST day of the hols', we went on a picnic outing to a playground.
Now, i don't think i really need to tell you how much i LOVE, no, ADORE playgrounds, even those little kiddie slides and springy horsies.
We went there today and once i had a runnaround the playground trying out all those little cute AWESOME activities, we (my family) had a competitive play of basketball. Me and my older sis lost, unsurprisingly.
And my little bro won (this is not a surprise).
So there goes my miniscule happy day of my vac.
You can now gloat at my weird vac.

P.S. I had my b-awesome(b-day) day this June, happy birthday me!
The fary

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Holiday is my favourite day

Holiday is my favorite time of the year! Food, food, more food, celebration, pressies when Christmas comes, lazying 'bout, listening to rockin' music, and pampering time! woohoo!
But, of course there is a catch, i would have to find something else besides homework to busy myself with, argh! why is there ALWAYS a catch? No homework means loads of time on my hands, mom would make me do more housework, get me to find hobbies and blah blah.
Jeezums! wasn't holidays made for lazing, partying and traveling? it's such a big blubber. By the way, a random word, I'm listening to Starstruck by Katy Perry right now, how awesome, I don't like all her songs, just about one in her whole album, most is only okay or rubbish. The main parts of a song i would store in my computer would have to be that it needs a huge beat, rhythm and catchy lyrics. Oh! I almost forgot in my befundled brain, I took a pic of a bird in a backyard:

'Why is this weirdo freak with bling fingernails disturbing my wiggly worm...don't tell me she wants to eat too?!'

C-U-T-E! that's all i want to say about this little mite, he looked so suspicious of me i laughed out loud and she flew away, boohoo :( But alls well that ends well, i took a good shot at it before it flew off to finish it's meal without a weirdo freak looking at it.
But before you whisk off to some other blog, take a look at this, i tried taking a mysterious pic of meself, but it looked too not-mysterious; i crack up everytime i see it:

Anyway, i'm off to surf the net checking for more interesting topics, since this one is just too BORING (perhaps i should take photos of myself next...).

Over and out.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I live in a far away land....

I've finally made blogging CONSISTENT, it's great isn't it? But it's not much of a huge surprise, coz I have finished ALL my homework and sent them all in a few days ago.
Oh my golly gosh gosh!! I haven't told you about me much have I? Yes, almost forgot about that, okay I do Distance Education, it's been going on for 'bout hundred years now and it was made for people who live far away from schools or does some sort of skill such as ballet, musical instruments, ect. The school sends in materials for us to do (I have around 9 subjects, almost like ordinary schools just that it gives a hell more workload) and send the allocated work needed to be sent in by the end of the week. So I've sent it all earlier and am free for the next weeks until next year.
Here's a picture of the Distance Education school:

So yeah, to the next topic, raving about Japanese clothes.
Frills, bows, furs and dresses, ah, the lovely concoction of perfect femininity. I know it's weird that i'm raving about these stuff when I'm a gothic lovin' half tomboy, but i can't help but show my girly side once in a while can I? not a crime to do so.
Not to worry, i won't become one of those gossipy old hags to sometimes meet, I'll still retain my pride and won't fall for the frills, but man! I can't help but squeal (And i don't usually squeal a lot, you know) over those shoes and clothes; sadly my personality is SO not even close to those bows and frills, even if i buy them and want to wear them, my inner tomboy will simply leave them in the closet to eat dust.
Here's the pics I'm screaming over, courtesy of Sugerlace (Oooooo, by the way, I think Japanese girls are SOOOOOOO much cuter than western girls, western girls are more mysterious):

Dresses and tops (I wonder why the model was always pouting and leaving her mouth open? Just a thought):

And not yes, the long long long blog is over was a bang.
From the weirdo club, Fary

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

And it continues...A day late

It's obvious isn't it? I'm not one to commit as i showed when i only continued my blogging a DAY LATE. Horrified? I know, but the show only ended at 11pm and i had to do some of my homework before i slept so i continued for half an hour which made me sleep at 11:30pm, then i had to wake up at 6:30 am and start homework in a whole rush.
So as i was saying on know earlier on i was blogging about this cheap rip of when i bought 1200 rhinestones for $5.20? Well turns out i found an even BETTER buy while i was musing over ebay, 3000 plus dried flowers to put on nails for $5.20!!! I was jumping out of my seat and buying it straight as can be. I vowed to myself not to buy or look on ebay for another 3 months since i would have to earn up the money i lost.
Oopsie daisy! I rambled on about something BESIDES what i was planing on blogging! Back to the real reason why i am blogging...So deco-den, i was planning to use the rhinestones i bought to decorate my watch, nails, necklace and my sister's cell phone (That is coz i don't have one of my own! :( my mother said it would be a waste to buy so many phones so i had to share with me sis *sobbing*) basically anything metal.
I researched on deco-dening the cell and realized it wasn't as hard as i thought it would be; just a bit of glue and stick, stick, stick! So i am now scouring the web to find ideas on how to deco-den the cell, but how whipping great is that? Now the colossal BAD news: I can only deco-den this tiny rectangle (the one circled in red) on top of the screen, here's the pic of her phone:

She's a tomboy like me, but for her, she's TOTALLY a tomboy, i am only half tomboy and the other half is girly-girl. She only gave that tiny space when i pleaded and pleaded and disturbed her then since she is the eldest and always nice, she gave me this spot; it's not like i'm not grateful, but WHY such a TINY SPOT?!
Well, enough of my sob story (Which isn't even a really good one, I'm so materialistic :]).

Glittery hugs and goodbyes my sweeties! Fary

Why're you screaming Fary?

Surprise! surprise!
Here is the amazingly forgetful Fary!
Been long since i've posted and i've got some good ideas while i've been away, I have been researching about japan cultures and magazines and found something so cool it'll blow your skin off! Here it comes: Deco-den.Frills.Dresses.Ribbons.
Yes here is my new inspiration and it is BIG.
Here is a small history lesson for y'all, Deco-den originated from Hime-den which came from japan. the word Hime means Princess and Den for Denwa means phone, basically means princess phone, it totally the coolest of the cool thing you have ever seen in your undecorated-cell-phoned lives! Here's some pics:

Even though i am a more tomboyish, liker-of-gothic style of dresser i can't help but scream over these goodies, *sigh* :)
Well that's it, one of my shows are on at the moment so i would have to continue some other time!

Ciao! Deco-den loving Fary

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Who is the idiot?

Yes here i am again after SOOOOOO long.
I posted one blog and was gone soon after, i do have a VERY good reason for that...i forgot i had a blog.
I know, i am a bumblehead who doesn't have a check-list, my mom tells me that everyday, so not to worry, you don't have to repeat; Although, i do have something very surprising for y'all to read, it's about my amazing journey through the site of Ebay, yes, i bought an item off ebay for my SECOND time, the first was for my sister's ipod, it was an ipod cover, so just this Tuesday i bought this cutie pie nail jewel container, a twelve pocketed one at that.
i bought it for $5.20 it contained 1200 gems in it and at first i thought it as the best buy i had ever had in my whole lifetime...then the disaster dawned, i searched ebay again for more jewels and found this seller that was selling 2800 gems for $5!!!!
It was more for less...literally.
I was gobbletalked! [that basically means lossed for words, just to let ya know :)] it was SOOOO much better a buy than that rip off.
I found the first rip off buy when i typed in 'nail jewels' in the search box, but then i typed 'nail gems' it turned into that heaven sent buy.
This teaches you the lesson to change the search titles into any possible ways possible BEFORE choosing a product.
I was SO cheated, it turns out i'm not just a bumblehead but a squashed brainiac too.

P.S. another picture:

The bumblebee, Fary